DIY Photo Stand/ jak zrobić stojak na zdjęcia

Hello, my friend, I am so happy to see you on my DIY blog Kalamondin Design. If you like what you see subscribe my blog and share.  I'll be so happy to hear your feedback! But let's take a look how you may do this stand for the photo.

Photo Stand Kalamondin Design
As you may see this is another simple thing at Kalamondin Design which you may DIY. To make it you will need only a piece of rope and scrap of wood. What about the size? This is your decision, it depends on that what kind of photos you want to put there and what piece of wood scraps you got. So I will not speak about the size.

Photo stand - wood
First, you need to polish your wood scrap to make it nice in touch. There suppose not to be any kind of splinters because I think that you will put some new pictures there from time to time.
At the beginning, I used sandpaper 120 next 220. I wanted to make it smooth because I got new wax and I wanted to use it, so I was making it with a cotton cloth.

Painted wood scrap
I painted this two times with rustic oak mordant. I used this mordant for the first time at Kalamondin and I was very interesting of the final look. It looks nice, but the best part starts now😁 I used a special wax for this kind of mordant - Lieron rustic oak wax, also for the first time at Kalamondin. I waxed and polished twice.

Waxed wood - kalamondin
I think that it looks super😁 I like it a lot and I think that soon I will make something else at Kalamondin with this mordant and wax. The most important thing is to polish wax about two hours after waxing. Then you may remove wax if you put too much and you got a very nice look. This part is the most time eater of the whole process. Of course, to make this photo stand you don't need use wax, you may use only, mordant, glaze or leave the raw wood. I had new things so I used it😁

At the end, it is time for rope. You just need to tie it to the wood and fix with hot glue, upholstery or tie at the bow😁

Kalamondin Design photo stand

Kalamondin Design photo stand

Kalamondin Design photo stand
And the photo stand is finished. If I wouldn't use wax I think that work time is about 15 minutes😁
It got nice, original look and helps to show your photos at your interior.

I have hope that you like it. If YES please subscribe this blog Kalamondin Design and share. If you got some ideas for simple things for DIY leave as a comment, maybe I will try to do it.
Thank you for your time and maybe you will try to do photo stand like this?😁

Weirdiy set - Ninja

Hello my friends and welcome to our DIY blog Kalamondin Design!

If you like things that we make please subscribe our DIY blog and leave us a comment. We are a very interest in that what you think.

This time I think that this is my last figurine of Weirdiy set. I was looking for some wood scraps that I could use to do some new figurines, but I don't have any of them. Maybe in future, I will find some palette of wood that I could use to do it.
So this time it is Weirdiy Ninja. It is made at the backside of Weirdiy Geek.
The hairs of weirdiy ninja help to stand a weirdiy geek because as you may see this part of scrap is no straight. I thought that if I will put their nails I may use this side to make another sculpture.

Weirdiy - Ninja
As you may see the mouth and eye of weirdiy ninja are already done. The one thing I had to do is paint the eyeball and war colors. 

Weirdiy DIY
 At the beginning, I paint the wood scrap by teak mordant two times. I polished it with sandpaper 120 and paint again by teak mordant. Than my weirdiy ninja was almost done. at the and as I said before I paint eyeball and black war colors under the eye and my weirdiy ninja was ready.

Weirdiy Ninja
The hairs of weirdiy ninja are made to good stand of weirdiy geek
As you may see, under the war colors is a little bit of different mordant color. To be honest I don't know what is that. I suppose that there was some kind of glue when it was a palette, so the mordant didn't paint this part good. But in my opinion, it looks like some tears of weirdiy ninja. I didn't plan to make it, but it looks good so I don't care about it. It gives another natural and hard to copy effect, that makes this figurine one of a kind 😁

Weirdiy Kalamondin
My friends, if you like this weirdiy ninja sculpture please live me feedback, share it and subscribe our DIY blog Kalamondin Design. We are very happy that you are here and have hope that you enjoy this time. If you have any your own creations that you would like to talk about it leave it in a comment. 
This set of weirdiy figurines is from recycled wood and nails. If I wouldn't use it probably it would land in the trash. 
Maybe this is not the best art in the world, but I like it if you are here probably you like it, and this is the most important thing for me😁

Thank you for your time and see you soon!!!

DIY nursing sling/ Jak uszyć chustę do karmienia?

Chusta do karmienia - jak uszyć
If u want to translate to your language, please use a translator located on right side :)

Uszyłam chustę do karmienia, która przydaje się nie tylko po to aby dyskretnie karmić dziecko, ale również wtedy gdy dziecko jest ciekawskie i ma ten etap, że wszystko jest ciekawsze niż jedzenie.
  • tkanina bawełanina około 70x90cm 
  • metalowe kółka, półkółka
  • fiszbina z metra cięta 40cm 
  • nici, nożyczki, maszyna itp. 
Krok 1.
Wycinamy z tkaniny prostokąt o wymiarach około 60x90cm. Zostaje nam pasek o szerokości 10cm. Zszywamy ten pasek i wywijamy na prawą stronę - będzie z niego zawieszka na szyję. 

Krok 2. 
Górny bok prostokąta obszywamy na zakładkę, żeby powstał około 1cm tunel - później wsuniemy w niego fiszbinę. 

Krok 3. 
Postanowiłam wszyć od wewnętrznej strony kieszeń, np. na smoczek lub wkładki. 
Krok 4. 
W rogach chusty wszywamy rogi z tetry - do wycierania buzi dziecka. Może to być też tkanna flanelowa. Wycinamy trójkąty/kwadraty o boku około 20 - 25cm. Ja użyłam kwadratów, ponieważ tetra jest cienka a chciałam gdybszą warstwę, jeśli użyjemy flanelki trójkąt wystarczy. Cokolowiek wybierzemy wszywamy w oba dolne rogi chusty. 
Ja zrobiłam jak na zdjęciu, najpierw przyszyłam złożoną w trójkąt tetrówkę, a potem jeszcze zawijałam brzegi chusty aby ładnie wykończyć - niestety przy zawijaniu brzegów liczba wartw tkaniny jest gruba i maszyna ledwo mi to złapała. Lepiej zawijać brzegi i wsunąć rogi tak, aby się trzymało, ale nie było 9 warstw jak u mnie:)

Krok 5. 
Wsunęłam fiszbinę w górny tunel. Wyśrodkowałam i przeszyłam z obu stron aby fiszbina nie przesuwała się na boki. Dzięki temu usztywnieniu będziemy mieć dobry widok na dziecko, materiał nie będzie się załamywał. Dzięki temu okienku również dziecko będzie mieć dopływ powietrza i widok na mamę. 

Krok 6. 
Szyjemy zawieszkę na szyję. Tu jak kto woli i co kto ma. Ja akurat miałam takie metalowe elementy, chciała wypróbować i jakoś udało mi się zszyć to w całość:) Niestety nie przytoczę jak to robiłam bo juz nie pamiętam:( Dzieki temu długość paska jest regulowana ale możemy od razu wymierzyć potrzebną długość i wszyć tuż przy brzegach fiszbiny. 

Chusta gotowa:) 
Chusta do karmienia - jak uszyć?

Chusta do karmienia - jak uszyć?